Wednesday 17 February 2016

Birthday Countdowns!

Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! (wow, that's a lot of Ys) So I'm really sorry for the lack of posts, I've been so caught up in school, that I haven't had any time to post any thing on my blog, OR on my YouTube channel(s)! But today I want to post something about Birthdays! (because we all know that they are SUUUUUPPPEEERRR exiting!) So, enjoy!

Birthday Countdown
So, You guys might know that it's my Birthday on the 25th of February, and the countdown to all birthdays are always super exiting! Today I wanted to tell you what happens in my life when it's the countdown to my Birthday. (so the 1st of February to the 25th of February.) With Birthdays, it's always so exiting, with all the presents, the start of your zodiac month, counting down how many days, planning a party, and most of all, when your parents have told you at the start of the month that they got something for you, and once you find out, you start roaming around the house to see if you can find out what they got you. (well, at least that's what happens with me!) So when February comes around, I start looking on Ebay to see if I can find something that I want for my birthday. This year from Ebay I'm getting keyboard covers for my new laptop, and some studio lights to improve the quality of my videos! Now, everyone gets really exited when their zodiac 'month' comes around. (in fact, Pisces starts tomorrow! yay!) Now about the Chinese new year animals. Guess what animal it is this year?

Monkey! (If you got that right, then good for you! :)  ) and each animal comes/happens every twelve years. And twelve years ago, I was born! (which probably explains why I'm such a 'Monkey!' ) hahahaha! But that's all exiting, and you just get really nervous and exited the night before, and you just can't sleep!

So that was my blog post, and I'll try do another one soon (next time it might be on my Birthday!)

Shoutout for this post is...

The Ramblings Of Moi!

I really like her blog, because, it;s just really funny and random!

anyways, Byes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I'm Gemini and a Goat! I'd prefer to be a monkey, but anyways... And thanks for the shoutout, sweetie! You're awesome!

    1. Thanks!... and... You're welcome! haha. I loved your miranda sings tag, I'll do that next post!


  2. Great post! I'm a gemini & a snake! Hope you have a lovely birthday xx

    1. aww thanks! I'd actually rather be a Gemini, but I still love Pisces!

  3. I always countdown to my birthday too, always reminding my friends (no wonder they get sick of it haha)! Great post, I'm a Libra and a Horse :)

    Alice x

    1. haha! yeah, I always remind my friends about it, like, IT'S MY BIRTHDAY IN TWO DAYS! and they're just like walking away not saying anything.

      Miriam xx <3

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  5. Hey, just to let you know, I nominated you to do the leibster tag, see on my blog for more information xoxo
