Sunday 24 January 2016

High School...

School... what a weird topic. seriously, I'm about to go to High school (yr 7-12) and I'm SUPER nervous, and here are 11 reasons why:

1. My shoes are SUPER tight
2. All my sport uniform is WAY too big for me
3. My blazer has shoulder pads, so it presses down on my shoulders sooooo much!
4. There are 199 other girls in my grade, so I'm not exactly going to be able to find my class.
5. The school bag is WAY too big, and I don't even know why it's so big! do we seriously have that many books!?
6. All the girls there know each other, so, am I going to make any friends?
7. I was really unpopular at my primary schools, so, uhhhh...
8. I am really small in height and I'm worried that I'll get mistaken as a Primary Schooler.
9. I went to school a year early, so I'm worried I'll be the youngest in the class.
10. The older girls look so big...
11. I'm getting braces on the 4th day of school, and I'm really scared that people will judge me for them

So this was more of me rambling than like a diary/blog entry... but I really don't know how I'm going to survive High School with the things that are coming up in my life. But like everyone, I'm going to try my best to fit in, and to do well and get good grades. Because so far, I've learnt how to unlock my lock for my locker off by heart, what I need to bring on the first day, I have my uniform, and all the things to get me through the first year.

The high school that I'm going to has SO many out of school activities that you can sign up for, or audition for. For languages, I'm doing German and Japanese. You may know that I'm half German and half Spanish and speak both fluently, but I decided that I wanted to learn to write and read german, and not just speak. I'm DEFINITELY auditioning for aerobics, gymnastics, volleyball, and Tech.

I definitely know I'm not the only one who feels this way, because I have other friends from my first primary school that are all splitting up, and the group that I'm in, we all grew up in, so it'll also be hard for them to split up. But I know that I'll have lots of fun, and I'll start to learn how to live life in the future.

So I hope that was kind of helpful/inspiring/entertaining, and I'm starting to really like blogging, and probably no one is looking at it, but It's still fun to put my thoughts out here so that other people can read it. My goal on the internet is super simple. It's just to make people smile.

Miriam xx <3


  1. Hey, Miriam, everyone feels the same way. I know it feels like everyone is super excited and not nervous at all, but the truth is we're all as scared as each other. It's fine, and I'm super nervous too!
    See you soon mate! I'll give you some blogs to check out :-)

  2. Hi! Good luck! Everyone feels nervous when they start (I know I did!) but hopefully you'll soon settle in - I hope you like it there and make lots of new friends. Maybe just focus on the positive to try and feel a bit more excited (maybe more easy said than done!) - so think about all the things you'll learn, the friends you'll meet, and the fun things you'll get up to xx

    1. Thanks! That's really good advice. I'll just try just focusing on the positive, and everything will be better!

      Miriam xx <3

  3. Hi Miriam, I just found your blog through my good friend Hannah. I'm beginning year 11, which is year 10 in Australia, so I have a bit of experience and can give you some advice. I hope it helps. With all your uniform things, don't even worry, haha, my school skirt was way too big for me up until last year! It doens't matter to much but you could try and get someone to sew it in for you? As for the people in your grade, there is 400 girls in my year, not even lying, and you honestly just stick with a few people in your class and navigate your way around together. That's what happened with me and now I know where everything is! You're school gives you a map and timetable too. Also the older girls aren't scary! Just DON'T STAND IN THE MIDDLE OF THE CORRIDOR! that's my best advice ahaha! As for braces, your age making friends, your height, and being unpopular, people aren't going to judge you! Just be kind and positive and people will want to spend time with you. Hope this helps!

    1. Thank you so much! This is such good advice, and I'm sure I'll have lots of fun! And WOW 400 girls in your year level!? That must be so hard for your teachers! Thanks, now I feel much more confident, and I know I'll have fun.

      Miriam xx <3

  4. Ah, I wouldn't freak out Miriam. The fact that there are 199 girls in your grade just means there's more chance you'll make friends. People won't judge you, and if they do, well... That says a lot about them, doesn't it?

    1. Haha thanks Clara! Didn't know you'd stop by...

  5. Don't worry everyone worries about the same stuff, make the most of every opportunity <3
    Chloe xx

    1. Thank you! I sure will, and after all this support, I'm gonna rock this place!

      Miriam xx <3

  6. Hi found your blog recently, and don't worry at all. High school is... Challenging at the best of times I've got 2 assessments tomorrow and not looking forward to it, as for braces, I've got them, you'll nobody will judge you, every body is either getting them or knows someone who has them so you'll be fine, mind checking my blog out and maybe commenting xoxo
